The color grade I describes a diamond that is near-colorless with a slight tint or warm hue present. When looked upon by the naked eye, these diamonds will appear mostly colorless to the untrained eye except for a slight warmth or tone to them. Traces of color are visible within the diamond and it is detectable by expert gemologists or other industry professionals. The color of these diamonds will become more noticeable if compared side by side to diamonds with higher color grades. Diamonds of this color grade are beautiful, with nearly undetectable color to them. I is a good color grade choice that offers tremendous value.
The third highest clarity grade, VVS1 ensures a diamond that appears flawless, but has some infinitesimal inclusions or internal flaws. These inclusions can only be detected by an expert gemologist under 10x magnification and even then are difficult to distinguish. When inspected professionally from the top of the diamond usually no inclusions are detectable, but can be identified from the bottom of the diamond. To the naked eye, this diamond will appear flawless and its grade only affects its price, but not its appearance. VVS1 is an excellent clarity grade choice, offering both superb quality and value.
Representative diamond under high magnification